Camp Workcoeman

Upcoming Programs at Camp Workcoeman

14 Dec 2024 — Camp Workcoeman has a variety of programs taking place this winter and spring for both Scouts BSA and Cub Scouts. In addition, training opportunities and campsite/facility rentals are available. We hope to you at camp!

Range Safety Officer (RSO) Training — January 21, 2023

Training Past Event

NRA Rifle or Shotgun Instructor training is being offered this fall at Camp Workcoeman in an effort to offer safe and challenging shooting sports activities at our camps. Scouters with an interest in becoming part of a council shooting sports team can become certified as an NRA Rifle or Shotgun Instructor.

Becoming a certified NRA Instructor in Rifle or Shotgun requires a three step process:

  1. Basic Rifle or Shotgun Course
  2. Basic Instructor Training (BIT)
  3. NRA Rifle or Shotgun Instructor Training

Operating a shooting range in Connecticut Rivers Council requires an NRA Instructor and a Range Safety Officer (RSO).

Anyone with interest in shooting sports is eligible to become a RSO. This training is not required to become a rifle or shotgun instructor and does not have a shooting component in the training.

Range Safety Officer (RSO) Training runs Saturday, January 21, 2023 8:00 AM – 5:00 PM. The fee is $100. The snow date is January 28, 2023.

About Camp

Camp Workcoeman is located in the hills of northwest Connecticut in scenic New Hartford and Barkhamsted. The camp consists of approximately 427 acres on the shore of beautiful West Hill Pond, possibly the cleanest in Connecticut.

Established in 1924, it is one of the oldest continuously operated Scout camps in the country. For 101 years, thousands of Scouts and Scouters have had unforgettable Scouting experiences at Camp Workcoeman. This fine tradition of Scouting continues today.

Social Media


  • Camp Workcoeman

    Office: (860) 379-2207
    Nurse: (860) 379-1756
    Fax: (860) 379-1311
  • Connecticut Rivers Council

    Office: (860) 913-2700
    Fax: (860) 289-6447


169 Camp Workcoeman Road
New Hartford, CT 06057

Trading Post Scout Shop