Camp Workcoeman

Upcoming Programs at Camp Workcoeman

14 Dec 2024 — Camp Workcoeman has a variety of programs taking place this winter and spring for both Scouts BSA and Cub Scouts. In addition, training opportunities and campsite/facility rentals are available. We hope to you at camp!

Start of the Centennial: 5 Mile Hike — February 17, 2024

Scouts BSA Past Event

Begin the Workcoeman Centennial with a hike that goes back more than 200 years. Visit the remains of 19th century homesteads, see evidence of the charcoal industry, and enjoy a view over West Hill Pond and across to the Metacomet Ridge. Participants should be prepared for a vigorous winter hike of about five miles and come dressed in weather-appropriate layers. In addition to the Scout basic essentials, participants should bring a backpack, a warm lunch in a thermos, a wag bag, and winter traction. Snowshoes may be required in the case of a particularly heavy snow load.

Gather for this hike at the camp chapel by the parking lot at 8:00 AM; come prepared to hike five miles and pack a trail snack. The hike will end early afternoon.

Cost: Free (but please register)

Contact: Joe Conaci, [email protected]

Registration closes as 11:59 PM on Tuesday, February 13, 2024.

About Camp

Camp Workcoeman is located in the hills of northwest Connecticut in scenic New Hartford and Barkhamsted. The camp consists of approximately 427 acres on the shore of beautiful West Hill Pond, possibly the cleanest in Connecticut.

Established in 1924, it is one of the oldest continuously operated Scout camps in the country. For 101 years, thousands of Scouts and Scouters have had unforgettable Scouting experiences at Camp Workcoeman. This fine tradition of Scouting continues today.

Social Media


  • Camp Workcoeman

    Office: (860) 379-2207
    Nurse: (860) 379-1756
    Fax: (860) 379-1311
  • Connecticut Rivers Council

    Office: (860) 913-2700
    Fax: (860) 289-6447


169 Camp Workcoeman Road
New Hartford, CT 06057

Trading Post Scout Shop